Breeder Spotlight: German Shepherd

This weeks spotlight is on Samantha Merryman a German Shepherd breeder owner of Salty Raccoon Ranch.
Here’s our interview…..

Salty Raccoon Ranch German Shepherd

Tell us how you got into the breed?

“I began breeding in order to produce services dogs for my own children.

I wanted to control the genetics, puppy raising and scent imprinting process.

This process has produced excellent Service Dogs for my family and other families have benefited from my techniques.”

Salty Raccoon Ranch German Shepherd

Tell us why you love the German Shepherd breed?

“I have been in love with German Shepherds since I was a little girl, I have always had one right by my side. Their intelligence is superior to any other breed, along with their beauty. Loyalty is unmatched, they will stand by you until the end to save your life.”

Salty Raccoon Ranch German Shepherd

Why might a German Shepherd be a good match for someone?

“German Shepherds are very smart, they just may be smarter than you!

They require more socializing than other breeds and you must be committed to training/socializing.

They are also know as the German Shedder, 2 times a year they shed out their entire coat, not an allergy friendly breed.”

What makes you standout as a breeder?

“I stand out from other breeders by putting my heart and soul into my breeding selection, health testing and puppy raising process.

I raise all my puppies inside and each puppy is started out as if it will become a future service dog.

All our females are active, working Service Dogs and have working titles as well.”

Salty Raccoon Ranch German Shepherd

One of the things that we love about Samantha Merryman’s german shepherd breeding program is that she does health testing and proactive puppy raising!

Thank you so much for the interview Samantha! To learn more about Samantha’s German Shepherds visit the following links..

Published by Kentucky Canine Coach LLC

Ahmia has been training animals on a professional level since 2006. She has worked as the Behavior and Training Manager at the Humane Society of the South Platte Valley where she helped modify the behavior of dogs that would have no other options. In addition to this she worked closely with several Colorado non-profit animal rescues to provided training in support for newly adopted dogs.

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